About TCorp

TCorp is the financial services partner to the NSW public sector, providing best-in-class investment management, financial management solutions and advice. With $115bn of assets under management, TCorp is a top 10 Australian institutional investor and is the central borrowing authority of the state of NSW, with a balance sheet of $187bn.

Created by the Treasury Corporation Act 1983, TCorp is a wholly owned entity of the state of NSW and is part of the NSW Treasury cluster. We have the same legal capacity, powers and authorities as a company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), which allows us to raise and manage money to help the NSW Government and ultimately, the people of NSW.

TCorp is a public financial corporation (PFC) and not a budget dependent agency. It is a net contributor to the state through the payment of tax equivalents and dividends and in FY24 generated a dividend of $130mn. Our borrowing, investment and financial management activities are regulated by the Government Sector Finance Act 2018.

Our objectives

Financial management

Best-in-class for financial management, solutions and advice.

People and culture

Sought after for the capability and conduct of our people.

Whole-of-state outcomes

A sustainable and aligned organisation always focused on delivering for all of NSW.

For the benefit of NSW

TCorp has a unique remit, being the only public sector organisation that acts as both a fund manager and a government central borrowing authority. We combine both functions to our clients’ advantage and provide long-term benefits to the people and communities of NSW. Our scale, market presence and strong credit rating provide access to a broad range of opportunities at lower costs. TCorp provides 2 main service lines to clients:

Investment Management

Our activities include:
  • Providing investment advice and portfolio management solutions tailored to clients’ specific risk and return objectives
  • Managing cash and fixed income portfolios, infrastructure and property assets.

Financial Markets

Our activities include:
  • Raising funds in local and international debt markets
  • Managing risk on the TCorp balance sheet
  • Managing liquidity assets
  • Providing lending and tailored financial risk management solutions to the NSW Government family.

For more information

TCorp pays respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW and acknowledges their continued connection to country and culture.